
Traditional Owners now play a huge role in the management of parks and the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage throughout Victoria.  CSV aims to work respectfully with the representatives of Traditional Owners to support their efforts to re-discover, restore and protect this heritage, particularly where it relates to climbing activities and locations. 

The following web pages aim to provide some of the background on Traditional Owner organisations as they exist today, a little of their heritage and their rights and responsibilities that are supported by Victorian Law. We also provide an overview of Reconciliation, what this means and where it’s going.

Providing this information concisely, objectively and accurately is a difficult task and we welcome any feedback on where you think we have got it wrong or could do it better.

Heritage and History provides a very brief history of the dislocation of Aboriginal peoples from their country and how their culture and communities survived. It describes how aboriginal cultural heritage is now protected and how significant places are recognised

Representation and Title describes some of the legal structure of how Aboriginal Victorians are represented and how title of land can be restored

Reconciliation and Treaty discusses what is meant by Reconciliation, how we can make a contribution and how Treaty fits into the picture.