Reconciliation Action Plan

“At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.” – Reconciliation Australia

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Artwork by Hollie Hicks, inspired by Dyurrite. “It represents the mountains, and the communities and people who love and care for it.”

CSV acknowledges that for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Australian colonial history has been one of devastating dispossession, violence and racism. We are proud to support the bringing together of Traditional Owners and the Victorian climbing community via the commitments documented in our Reconciliation Action Plan. The plan provides commitments under four categories:



We see these commitments as being completely in line with our objective of making climbing locations culturally and environmentally sustainable. We also believe that the results of these actions will significantly enrich our experience of climbing outdoors.Crag-Stewards-Victoria-Reconciliation-Action-Plan-2021Download

CSV encourages all climbers to support the actions we are taking to support reconciliation and self-determination. We also encourage you to support local events at
National Reconciliation Week and Naidoc Week.